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Coming out of the COVID Lockdown

Tandem Spirits enjoyed one of the most fabulous “travel” summers ever. It’s ironic that we were able to travel so much even though the world has been disrupted by the COVID pandemic. Part of the reason was that we had amassed a bit of vacation time from 2019. Also, our employer required us to work short weeks, meaning we have been off almost every Friday since June. Another big factor: our company is always closed for 2 weeks for maintenance in August, but because of a slowdown in business, we were furloughed for another 2 weeks. We had the whole month of August off!

Here's Where We Went in June

Brunch at Casa Maria Luigia

Brunch at Casa Maria Luigia in Modena

Once the lockdown ended, we wasted no time in heading up to Modena to have a special brunch at Massimo Battura’s B&B, Casa Maria Luigia. This was an amazing experience we wrote about in and earlier post. It was great to get out of Umbria and enjoy the atmosphere of this special place.

At the Sea - Punta Prosciutto in Puglia

This is the 2nd years we’ve enjoyed staying at the home of our colleague Alessio. We spent a few days with him, his wife Stefania and new son, Matteo. Punta Prosciutto an incredibly beautiful spot on the sea. We swam, snorkeled and did a bit of bicycling along the coast.

A Short Video of Our Seaside Hangout