Celebrating Beauty in this Extraordinary Time

We are truly living in challenging times. None of us ever imagined that we would be in the grips of a deadly pandemic that has separated us from our family, friends and colleagues. We have been forced to stay close to home and eliminate many of our favorite activities until this contagion expires.

There is a bright side to this as well. It’s a cliche, but COVID seems to have inspired many people to examine what’s truly important in their lives and to start paying more attention to the beautiful things right in front of them.

The Tandem Spirits have been thinking a lot about how fortunate we are to live in Italy, a country replete in history, art and culture. Sometimes it’s easy to forget how truly amazing it is to be here.

So, we thought it would be fun to share with you some of the beautiful things we’ve been fortunate to experience while living in this extraordinary country.

Viewing the pictures – we arranged them in galleries of 2 so when you click on them you get larger views!

Luci d'artista a Salerno

It’s a holiday tradition in the southern city of Salerno to hang lighted designs above the streets.

Greek Temples in Agrigento and Paestum, Italy

Landscapes & Seascapes

Italian Originals

Incredible Sculptures

La Pietà

The Breathtaking Beauty of Italy - A Slideshow

There are simply too many things to share with you in one post, so we have put together a short slide show of a variety of monuments, historic art and Palaces. We hope this brightens your day and inspires you to reflect on those treasures close to you!!!


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