Exploring the First Evening in Barcelona

The Tandem Spirits capped off our Spanish Vacation with a couple of days in Barcelona. We arrived late in the afternoon and checked into our hotel. As it turned out, the hotel was not close to the main sites downtown so it was a bit too far to walk comfortably.  The first night we walked to the main port and then meandered through the Gothic Quarter. During the rest of our stay, we took taxis. They are not expensive in Barcelona. The location was just a bit too far from the center. We did go into town or back from town a few times on foot, but we found that it was not expensive to take a taxi. After we settled in, we walked to the port. Then meandered our way through the Gothic quarter.

We had dinner at Restaurant Ferran. James had roasted Lobster, and Virginia had a sausage and bean dish.

A Fabulous Day-long Tour with Explore Catalunya

Since our time there was limited, and there was a lot to see, we booked a tour for our first day with Explore Catalunya through Get Your Guide. It was the perfect choice. Our guide, Rodrigo, was outstanding. We started with a walking tour of the Gothic quarter. In addition to pointing out interesting things in the area, Rod spent a fair amount of time discussing the history of Catalunya and the reason that many people in that area would like to be independent from Spain.

Panoramic Views from Montjuïc

After the walking tour, we boarded a small bus and drove up to Montjuïc for a panoramic view of the city. This was the location of the 1992 Olympic Games. The stadium and Olympic village are still used, and there is a castle and a museum there. Some things to consider when we plan our next visit. Barcelona is a great place for cyclists because there are protected, dedicated cycle lanes everywhere. The traffic lights even indicate when the bikes can go.

We didn’t have a lot of time at Montjuïc because we had to be on time for our reservation at Gaudi’s Sacrada Familia Church. What a sight! Although construction began in 1882, it is still a work in progress. Gaudi’s plan called for three facades representing the Nativity, the Passion and the Glory. The church is packed with symbolism, the 18 spires represent the twelve apostles, the Virgin Mary, the four Evangelists, and Jesus Christ. The natural light coming in from the stained glass windows is incredible.

Gaudi’s Sacrada Familia Church

Park Güell

For lunch we grabbed a sandwich at a shop near the church and ate with one of our fellow tour members. Then we were off to Park Güell. It was a beautiful day to be out in the park. The crowds were not overwhelming, and we enjoyed Goudi’s quirky yet functional designs and architecture.

La Pedera (Casa Milá)

Our final stop for the day was La Pedera (Casa Milá) a building Gaudi built for Roser Regimen and her husband Pere Milá, wealthy patrons who lived on the first floor and rented out the upper apartments. An interesting design note is that this building has no load bearing walls.


After our long, interesting day, it was time for a snack. We took our guide’s advice and went to Ciutat Comtal for Tapas. It was a great recommendation. We drank Sangria and enjoyed some incredibly good tapas!

Dinner at Petra

That evening we reviewed our friend Peter’s trip reports to decide where to go for dinner. We made a reservation at Petra in the Born neighborhood. It was perfect. Small with an interesting menu printed on a wine bottle. The appetizer was puff pastry stuffed with brie and dates. Virginia had the Salmon and James had the Octopus. For dessert we shared baked apples with vanilla ice cream!!

Day 2 in Barcelona

We started our second day in Barcelona at a bakery in the Born district where we met Rebecca, a young American who lives there. We started a conversation with her because she had a Brompton Folding bike with her. We have not seen any in Italy but we saw loads of them in Spain.

The Picasso Museum

After breakfast we made our way to the Picasso museum. The first thing you see when you walk in is a wall full of small sketches. It just takes your breath away. From there the exhibit takes you chronologically though some of his various artistic phases. It begins with his early works which include portraits and landscapes, then moves on to various experimental styles and studies for larger works such as his interpretation of Velasquez’s Las Meninas and the Pigeon series.

For lunch we returned to Ciutat Comtal for Sangria and Tapas. This time we tried shrimp & crab toasts, patatas bravas and we finished with a dessert that our server recommended called “Torrij” or Cremada de Santa Teresa. It is like a baked cinnemon bread pudding, and it was divine!

We went back to our hotel room to rest and pack for our extremely early departure the next morning. We had to leave at 3:30 am for a 6:00 am flight.

One More Time at Petra!

We enjoyed our dinner so much, we retuned to Petra for our last meal in Barcelona. The appetizer was smoked sardines with a papaya salsa. This time James had the salmon and Virginia had chicken. We could definitely make this our go-to place in Barcelona.

Overall, our vacation in Spain was fabulous. Madrid was a real treat. Even though we only had 2 day to visit Barcelona, we were able to see an amazing number monuments, churches, neighborhoods. And, of course, we really enjoyed the Spanish cuisine and the hospitality of the Spanish people. We can’t wait to return for another adventure.

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