From Wikipedia: “The Negroni is a popular Italian cocktail, made of one part gin, one part vermouth rosso, and one part Campari, garnished with orange peel. It is considered an apéritif. A properly made Negroni is stirred, not shaken, and built over ice in an old fashioned or ‘rocks’ glass and garnished with a slice of orange.”
We love a well-made Negroni. Indeed, I can make a pretty good Negroni at our apartment, but, there’s nothing like going to one of our favorite caffes here in Foligno, Antico Caffè della Piazza. They make a wicked-good Negroni.
So, last night we went out, for the first time in over two months and enjoyed one of our favorite drinks with an appetizer platter. You see, many local businesses have reopened in Italy after the lock-down which began on March 9th. Life is cautiously returning to normal and we were excited to go out for a treat. It was wonderful to sit out in the sunshine and enjoy these local treats.
It was good to see people out, to chat with our favorite waitress and feel a sense of freedom after being in quarantine. Oh, and the Negronis were devine!!!!!